Philadelphia, PA 215.561.9100

Villanova, PA 610.688.9100

Cross Medical Group Cross Plastic Surgery
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Aging causes our skin to become thinner, weaker, and more prone to developing wrinkles and revealing hollows over time. This is because we lose collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid—the three main elements that make our skin supple and smooth when we're younger. Juvederm® at the Philadelphia area's Cross Medical Group is a family of hyaluronic acid fillers designed to counter these effects of aging by restoring vital elements that keep the skin hydrated, firm, and plump.

Juvederm® is ideal for reducing the severity of creases on the lower half of the face, addressing loss of volume, and sculpting facial contours, including the lips. This popular and widely used collection of fillers produces natural-looking, subtle, and lasting results. Juvederm® Remains one of the most popular facial filler options available.

Cross Aesthetics


Explore what's possible with hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm® from the Philadelphia area’s Cross Medical Group. Call (215) 561-9100 (Philadelphia) or (610) 688-9100 (Villanova), or send a message online to schedule a consultation.


The Juvederm® collection is a line of facial fillers. Also known as dermal fillers, these are substances that are injected beneath the skin to temporarily add volume in areas that need it. These nonsurgical treatments help to improve the skin's appearance, typically by addressing what are known as "static wrinkles."

Unlike dynamic wrinkles that appear as a result of specific facial motions—such as raising the eyebrows or squinting—static wrinkles are visible both when the face is moving and while it's at rest. These lines develop due to collagen deficiency and a loss of elasticity in the skin. In addition to normal aging, external factors like sun exposure, smoking, and pollution can contribute to the breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Patients who are seeking cosmetic treatments to address these changes may ask, "What does Juvederm® do for the face?" Juvederm® is mainly used to address the static creases and the hollows that result from loss of volume on the center and lower two-thirds of the face. Some formulations in the collection are also used to augment the lips or other facial contours.

The primary ingredient in all of the members in the Juvederm® collection is hyaluronic acid, a carbohydrate our skin creates naturally to maintain hydration. Hyaluronic acid is capable of retaining approximately 1,000 times its own weight in water. That makes it a key factor in providing moisture and a pleasant plumpness in the skin.

Juvederm® is made via a process that "cross-links" different weights of hyaluronic acid molecules to create a thick, moldable gel. The Juvederm® line of fillers has heavier options with high concentrations of hyaluronic acid that are better suited for facial contouring, as well as thinner and lighter fillers with lower concentrations of hyaluronic acid best suited for subtle enhancements and detail work. In the middle are Juvederm® fillers that reduce the severity of facial wrinkles like nasolobial folds.

The team of Nurse Injectors at Cross Medical Group have extensive training specifically with the various types of fillers in the Juvederm® collection, as well as with an extensive range of other compatible facial fillers, neurotoxins, and non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments. They can collectively draw on decades of general medical experience and knowledge, with a particular focus on facial aesthetic services.


Each of the fillers in the Juvederm® family is followed by an "XC" designation. This refers to the fact that the formulas contain lidocaine, an anesthetic that reduces skin sensitivity. This improves patient comfort during and after a injection.


Juvederm Voluma® XC is ideal for correcting age-related midface volume loss. Collagen and fat depletion in the area known as the "apples" of the cheeks causes contours to flatten, hollows to develop, and a loss of support for tissues lower on the face. The resulting sagging softens the jawline and can even lead to the appearance of jowls. Injecting Voluma® XC in the midface restores the desirable roundness there, as well as provides renewed structural support to lift tissues and reduce jowling for up to two years.


Juvederm Vollure XC is made to smooth facial wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds. These are also known as parentheses lines, because they look like characteristically curved punctuation marks on either side of the mouth and nose. Though nasolabial folds may appear faint at first, they can grow moderate to severe over time as collagen and hyaluronic acid levels drop. Juvederm Vollure XC fills in the creases for a smoother surface. Results can last up to 18 months.


Also intended for moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, Juvederm Ultra Plus® XC is a filler that provides results that can last up to a year.


Juvederm Volbella® XC augments the lips to give them a fuller look. Juvederm® lip injections work on naturally thin lips, as well as on lips that have lost their fullness over time. The plumping and smoothing effects can last up to one year.


Juvederm® Ultra XC also does double duty in the filler family, serving to augment thin lips, as well as to address moderate to severe nasolabial folds and other facial folds and wrinkles. Like Volbella® XC, results can last up to one year.


The Cross Medical Group frequently gets questions such as, "What should you not do before Juvederm®?" Note that instructions for preparing for any type of Juvederm® injection are the same as for other types of facial fillers.

Patients should avoid consuming alcohol for 24 hours at minimum before the treatment and avoid smoking for two weeks. This is because nicotine can constrict blood vessels in addition to other damaging effects on the skin. Certain medications—including blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications, and supplements that thin the blood—should be avoided for a few weeks prior to Juvederm®. Medications that have a blood thinning effect will increase the risk of bruising and swelling from Juvederm®.


Ideal candidates for the Juvéderm® family include patients who are in good physical and psychological health, are non-smokers, maintain a positive outlook and realistic goals for how they can improve their appearance with Juvéderm®, and are dedicated to keeping their skin in good shape.

The candidates who should see the best results include those who are noticing the earliest signs of aging or have some types of scarring they want to reduce.

There are certain cases in which a patient may not be a suitable candidate for Juvéderm®. If you have an active skin lesion or infection in the area you plan to treat or a sensitivity to lidocaine, Juvéderm® may not be suitable for you. The Cross Medical Group team can discuss other options with you.


Want to know more about what to expect when you get fillers? Experienced and Talented nurses and aestheticians who perform Juvederm® injections have been selected at Cross Medical Group. He has ensured that each member of the team meets rigorous safety standards, as well as demonstrates the medical knowledge and artistic eye necessary for beautiful results.

A typical filler session will consist of the following steps.

Patients will meet their injector at an initial consultation to discuss cosmetic goals and appropriate treatments. All Juvederm® injections are handled in the Cross Medical Group offices in Philadelphia or Villanova.

The injector will begin by assessing your facial anatomy, skin type, and the areas of the face designated for filler. They will strategically mark the areas that will be injected, and photographs will be taken.

Juvederm® is injected directly under the skin with a thin needle. These injections usually only cause minor discomfort. If patients want more comfort strategies than the lidocaine present in each injectable, a powerful proprietary numbing ointment compounded exclusively at a pharmacy in Florida is available, as are other options.

The length of the treatment session depends on which fillers are being used and in which areas of the face. Sessions can be as brief as 15 minutes.

Each area will be injected, then massaged. The results will be evaluated, and more filler will be added if it's needed.


After their injections, patients may notice any of a number of common side effects, including bruising, swelling, and skin sensitivity in the treatment area. These effects will fade in a short amount of time. An ice pack may be offered after filler injections to alleviate some of the initial swelling.

Since Juvederm® injections add volume, results are visible as soon as the gel is in place—though some post-treatment swelling can cause the area to look puffier or fuller at first. The ultimate result will be more subtle and natural looking.

It may be necessary for the injector to mold the area for a more even and natural look.


Each filler in the Juvederm® family is unique with distinct properties that make it suitable for a certain area of the face. To further expand the options for enhancing facial contours and softening wrinkles at his practice, The Cross Medical Group also offers the Restylane® line of hyaluronic acid fillers, as well as a range of other dermal fillers, including injectables that stimulate natural collagen production. This variety allows the Cross Medical Group injectors to choose the ideal treatment for each patient's specific goals and needs.

Fillers pair well with neuromodulators, which are designed to smooth out facial wrinkles that develop due to muscle activity, as opposed to collagen and hyaluronic acid depletion. Fillers and neuromodulators can be combined to enhance the entire face, and patients may achieve better results when these two types of treatments are used together. BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin® are botulinum toxin type A injections that relax active, wrinkle-forming muscles to soften dynamic wrinkles.

In addition to facial fillers like Juvederm®, there are also skin resurfacing options that can improve the skin's quality. Patients can choose laser skin resurfacing to target fine lines, RF skin treatments to induce collagen production and tighten the skin, and microneedling to improve texture and tone.

Cross Aesthetics


If you're interested in finding out more about the benefits of Juvederm® in the Philadelphia area, contact Cross Medical Group at (215) 561-9100 (Philadelphia) or (610) 688-9100 (Main Line's Villanova). You can also send a message online to schedule a consultation or request more information.


2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Philadelphia, PA

2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
PH: 215.561.9100

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
Villanova, PA

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
PH: 610.688.9100



Cross Medical Group