Philadelphia, PA 215.561.9100

Villanova, PA 610.688.9100

Cross Medical Group Cross Plastic Surgery
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Breast Reduction

Reduce Volume With or Without a Lift

Breast reduction surgery at Philadelphia's Cross Medical Group is one of the most rewarding procedures Dr. Kevin Cross performs. In a matter of a couple of hours of surgical time and a few days of recovery time, the burden of large, heavy, uncomfortable breasts is relieved.

Women, young and old, report years of having suffered through difficulty in finding clothes that fit appropriately. They experience neck, shoulder, and back pain, as well as bra strap grooving. Many find increased pain or embarrassment when exercising. With a breast reduction procedure, these are all reversed in a matter of a few hours. Additionally, large breasts are often associated with poorly shaped breasts, as well as fullness in the armpit and back areas. These, too, can be corrected at the time of a breast reduction procedure.

View before & after results from Cross Medical Group in Philadelphia, PA

This is the before-and-after result for breast reduction surgery in a patient with dense, wide, heavy breasts, including fullness in the side and armpit area, as well as poor shape and asymmetry. All of these issues have been corrected, and the incision is barely perceptible. *Results may vary

Breast Reduction Technique

The most important element to a breast reduction procedure is the technique that is used to shape and hold the tissue after the excess breast tissue has been removed. Most breast reduction techniques, like their breast lift counterparts, attempt to improve the appearance of the breast by using the skin to hold shape.

While these techniques provide good results immediately after the procedure, the shape is lost over time. Skin stretches too easily. Over months, the skin stretches, scars thicken and widen, and the breasts sag. Furthermore, using the skin to create shape requires that long incisions are used. These incisions tend to extend from the center of the chest all the way out to the armpit region.

Cross Aesthetics


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kevin Cross or Dr. Jackie Lyons for breast reduction surgery by calling Cross Medical Group at (215) 561-9100 (Philadelphia) or (610) 688-9100 (Villanova), or send a message online.

The most effective and lasting way to restore and maintain breast shape is to use breast tissue itself, not skin, to maintain lift and shape. Dr. Cross uses a patient's own breast tissue to create an "internal brassiere." The breast tissue heals in its new position and stays there, holding the new shape and position indefinitely. Additionally, by avoiding tension on the skin during the shaping process, incisions remain thin and fade to be imperceptible, and can be customized to the shortest length possible for a given patient's anatomy.

For many patients, Dr. Cross uses liposuction to assist with the breast reduction, shaping, and sculpting. While not necessary in all patients, when this technique is used, it allows Dr. Cross to get a better result with less trauma to the tissues, less risk of changes to nipple sensation, and a faster recovery.

View before & after results from Cross Medical Group in Philadelphia, PA

This before-and-after demonstrates the degree of lift that can be obtained when a patient’s own tissue, rather than skin, is used to create the new shape of the breast in breast reduction surgery. Notice that the end result almost has the appearance of a breast being shaped by an invisible bra. *Results may vary

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

Like lifts, breast reductions are one of the most well tolerated procedures in Medical Group. Patients usually do not require a breathing tube for the procedure. They typically receive the same type of anesthesia that one gets for a colonoscopy. The anesthesia is given by vein, patients are not paralyzed, and they do not breathe anesthesia gases. Once they are asleep, patients usually have a soft balloon put in their mouth to prevent them from snoring. Patients are completely asleep, so that they do not have to worry about being aware of anything or remembering anything.

Patients wake up after breast reduction surgery wearing a bra that is kept on for two days. After two days, patients can remove the bra, shower, and wash over their breasts. All sutures are dissolvable, and a watertight glue is put on the incisions. Generally, drains are not necessary after a breast reduction procedure, and patients return to their normal daily activities right away.

Mild to moderate pain may occur for the first few days, and soreness can last a couple of weeks. Patients are permitted to start exercising one week after the procedure, with no limitations on any form of activity by two weeks.

For patients of the correct age, normal breast screening for cancer is continued after a breast reduction procedure. In fact, for some women, mammograms become a little easier after the procedure, since there is less heavy, dense tissue for the image to have to penetrate through.

Breast reduction surgery is considered safe, even in patients who, through personal or family history, or through screening, have been found to be at higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Cross Aesthetics


Contact Cross Medical Group to discuss breast reduction cost, benefits, and other details in Philadelphia (215) 561-9100 or Main Line's Villanova (610) 688-9100. You can also send a message online to inquire about a consultation with Dr. Kevin Cross or Dr. Jackie Lyons, or for more information.


2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Philadelphia, PA

2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
PH: 215.561.9100

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
Villanova, PA

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
PH: 610.688.9100



Cross Medical Group