Body contouring treatments often focus on fat reduction and skin tightening, but the texture of your skin can also have an impact on your appearance. Having an uneven, dimpled surface can be as bothersome to many people as excess fat or loose skin—and take a corresponding toll on your confidence. Almost all women have some form of cellulite, but there are thankfully science-backed ways to make the condition less noticeable or get rid of it completely so you no longer have to feel awkward about showing off your skin. Avéli® cellulite treatment from the Philadelphia area's Cross Medical Group is a reliable option that relieves the tension causing dimples on the buttocks and thighs.
Though it's often assumed that cellulite is caused by being overweight or having sagging skin, the condition actually has nothing to do with either of those things. The indentations, bumps, and depressions aren't fat. They're actually related to tiny compartments in the skin where the fat cells below are divided up. The resulting crowded conditions cause the skin above to push outward, which wouldn't be a problem—if not for the bands of collagen that run from the underside of the surface to the layers below. These bands, called septae, prevent the skin's surface from pushing outward uniformly. Instead, small divots appear where the bands tether the surface. This means even very slender people and those who exercise regularly can have cellulite.
Although the condition is basically harmless, you can address these unwanted dimples with an Avéli® cellulite treatment if you find them unappealing. Women are more likely than men to develop cellulite—typically after puberty—because of how their collagen is structured. Women’s collagen is arranged in parallel rows, while they also tend to have weaker connective tissues, thinner skin, and more significant fat tissue, making it more likely for them to have visible cellulite.
Although aging skin that has lost its elasticity, genetic factors, a sedentary lifestyle, and weight gain aren't direct causes of cellulite, they can make it appear more pronounced.
Many treatments that claim to reduce cellulite are topical creams and lotions that aren’t effective because they don’t fix what’s actually causing the problem below the skin’s surface. Avéli® cellulite treatment goes below the surface to directly address the cause of the problem.
The device allows us to identify the specific tense bands of collagen that cause dimples, then use a minimally invasive hooked blade to sever those bands and release the tension. This lets the surface to sit more evenly, instead of being pulled down into puckers.
An Avéli® cellulite treatment is a straightforward, non-surgical procedure that typically takes around an hour. The treatment area is numbed with a local anesthetic, after which we use a light-up device to identify and target the collagen bands causing dimples on the buttocks and thighs, then release them with a minimally invasive hooked blade. Only one session is needed, and the results are lasting.
Patients can expect to feel some soreness or discomfort in the treatment area for 24 to 48 hours. There is no downtime needed from work, but plan for a break from exercise and wearing anything that would show bruises. Any marks should fade within a month.
The results from an Avéli® cellulite treatment are visible right away, with the ideal effects seen after any bruising or swelling fade.
cellulite treatment is one option for reducing dimples, but Cross Aesthetics also offers Cellfina® as another way of making skin firmer and more even. While uses a light-up devices and hooked blade that isolates, grabs, pulls, slices, and releases the bands, Cellfina® involves suction and a microblade cutting technique used to dismantle the tightened cords of connective tissue that are causing the cellulite.
Reducing unwanted fat and making your skin firmer can also make cellulite less noticeable and improve your overall body proportions. SculpSure® has a laser system that heats up and liquefies fat in "problem areas" on the body, creating more defined contours. Ultrasound-based Ultherapy® stimulates collagen production to make skin firmer, resulting in a smoother-looking surface.
Schedule a consultation by calling Cross Medical Group today at (215) 561-9100 (Philadelphia) or (610) 688-9100 (Villanova), or send a message online.