Philadelphia, PA 215.561.9100

Villanova, PA 610.688.9100

Cross Medical Group Cross Plastic Surgery
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Tummy Tuck - Case 1

Surgeon : Dr. Kevin Cross


This 35-year-old mother was in very good shape. However, the muscle tone and definition of her abdominal area was not going to return after the skin stretching and separation that occurred during pregnancy. 


In our opinion, a great tummy tuck result absolutely must include a natural-looking belly button and well healed and well-hidden incision. This allows patients to wear two-piece bathing suits or underwear without any evidence of having had a tummy tuck. 


Even in disposable string underpants, there is very little evidence that this patient has had children or a corrective procedure after having had children.

*Individual patient results may vary

Cross Aesthetics

Schedule a consultation in Philadelphia (215) 561-9100 or Main Line's Villanova (610) 688-9100 to learn more about the procedures featured in this photo gallery. You can also send a message online to inquire about a consultation, or for more information.


2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Philadelphia, PA

2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
PH: 215.561.9100

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
Villanova, PA

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
PH: 610.688.9100



Cross Medical Group