Philadelphia, PA 215.561.9100

Villanova, PA 610.688.9100

Cross Medical Group Cross Plastic Surgery
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Tag: facelift

How Should You Care for Your Skin After a Facelift?

“How do I take care of my face after a facelift?” Our Philadelphia-area team at Cross Medical Group knows that many patients want to plan ahead for this plastic surgery or other facial procedures. Preparing in advance is a great way to maximize results. First, some basics: Youthful faces have rounded and elevated contours, but visible …

Is a Facelift the Right Choice for Me?

“How do I decide if I need a facelift?” Philadelphia-area patients considering anti-aging techniques frequently ask the Cross Medical Group team this question when they’re looking into surgery that involves correcting several areas on the lower face.  First, consider that many aspects of the face change as we age—and we have little to no control over …


2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Philadelphia, PA

2200 Arch Street Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19103
PH: 215.561.9100

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
Villanova, PA

775 E. Lancaster Avenue Suite 230, Villanova, PA 19085
PH: 610.688.9100



Cross Medical Group